What were you thinking of

What were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking of
What were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking of
What were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking of
What were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking of
What were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking ofWhat were you thinking of