Use the words in brackets to write

Use the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to write
Use the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to write
Use the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to write
Use the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to write
Use the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to writeUse the words in brackets to write